“Superspreading Event”: Virologist Streeck worried about the World Cup

Soccer Winter World Cup

Virologist strikes warns of “superspreading event”

German national team creates 5:2 against Italy

The German national team said goodbye to the summer break with a thumping victory against Italy. After a 1-1 series, the team of national coach Hansi Flick managed to beat the European champions 5-2 on the fourth day of the Nations League.

Despite the summer, the corona numbers are increasing rapidly. Virologists expect that the development will intensify in autumn. Hendrik Streeck fears that the World Cup, which will take place for the first time in winter, could become a major problem.

Et will be an extremely unusual kick-off time. A time when most have finished their lunch break and returned to work. On Wednesday, November 23rd, the German national team will start the World Cup against Japan. The game will kick off at 2 p.m. Four days later it’s against Spain, and Hansi Flick’s side decide the group stage on December 1 against Costa Rica.

Because of the summer heat in Qatar, Fifa has moved the tournament to winter. For the first time, a World Cup will take place in November and December. As pleasant as the temperatures will be in the host country, it will be just as uncomfortable in Germany and many other European countries – cold and virus season.

The corona numbers in Germany are already rising rapidly again, and there is no sign of a summer recovery. One of the reasons for this is the new Omikron variant BA5. Not least because of this, many experts are looking at the World Cup with concern. Also the virologist Hendrik Streeck.

Virologist Hendrik Streeck

Source: pa/dpa/Rolf Vennenbernd

He warns against public viewing events and fears that live broadcasts could become superspreading events. “As a result, we may also create larger outbreaks again, or there may also be a superspreading event, and you have to prepare for that,” Streeck told RTL television. The reason for this is that, due to the time of year, public viewing events are more likely to take place indoors and not, as is usually the case, outdoors.

Streeck recommends wearing masks

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“BA.5 has an increased immune escape,” said Streeck: “People who have been vaccinated can become infected again because the immune system can no longer recognize the variant quite as well. In addition, it is also somewhat more contagious.” That is why you have to prepare very well for the upcoming autumn and winter.

Wearing protective masks could then be of help again. “We know that the mask works and that the mask provides protection,” said the head of the Institute of Virology at the University of Bonn.

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