Reasons why Waseda baseball team, who knows the majors, declares that they are “misunderstood” | Major leaguer Satoru Komiyama’s “Waseda tradition” team building | Diamond Online

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Waseda University finished fifth in the 2022 Spring League of Tokyo Big6 Baseball League. However, Satoru Komiyama, who has been “patient” since taking office, once predicted that the Waseda baseball team would “become a misleading team.” Behind Komiyama’s self-confidence was his experience during his active career. Will Waseda’s counterattack begin? (Writer Yasutaka Sudo)

Director Komiyama who has been “patient” since taking office
Teaching is not the only instruction

There is a word that is at the same time (Sorakudoji, “Sotsu” is a graduate from the mouth). The same time as the chicks of a bird crying to break an egg shell and the parent bird poking the shell from the outside to help. It seems to be a four-character idiom that is often heard in educational settings, and is used to mean a unique opportunity for learners and teachers to breathe together. I am struck by the depth of affection of the parent bird watching over the hatching. There are many eggs. I have no choice but to admire its patience and caution.

So are sports leaders.

Those who stand on top can clearly see the deficiencies in the backward movement. I always wonder why I can’t do it. The more experience and achievements the leader has, the more the cracks will be picked up. It is possible to point out dissatisfaction without feeling dissatisfied, but it is necessary to be prepared to stand still with the stance of “leaving it to the independence of the person”. Sometimes I can’t hear the voice trying to break the shell.

I think Satoru Komiyama, the director of Waseda Daigaku Baseball Club, is one of those leaders.

It’s been 4 years since I became the director of my alma mater. He heard the words “patience, patience” from his mouth many times.

“My baseball, Waseda’s baseball is’genuine baseball’. I put my soul into one ball,’one ball soul’. The game is won by those who clench their teeth and do their best. This is the root. I want to improve baseball better. The figure desperately training is the guts itself. “

Komiyama says so. However, the four years of college pass in a blink of an eye. It’s boring that she practiced hard but didn’t improve as much as she expected. Each member has his or her own personality, and it is necessary to devise ways to practice for yourself. We must add elements of scientific training to Waseda’s traditional guts baseball.

Still, it seems to Director Komiyama that the current members are repeating useless things.

“That’s supposed to be enough practice. If it doesn’t work, try changing the way. You can point out what’s causing it, but before that, find out for yourself. If that doesn’t work, You can try a different method. “

Komiyama says that there is also the harmful effect of the leader teaching. I don’t know about youth baseball, and it’s not good to take independence from college students.

“I liked to devise and try”
The personality cultivated as a boy lived in major leagues

Independence is a device.


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