Park Hyung-in inaugurated as the 8th Gyeongnam-do branch manager of the Liberation Day

Article Summary
“Efforts to nurture the welfare of members and their bereaved families”

Park Hyung-in inaugurated as the 8th Gyeongnam-do branch manager of the Liberation Day
[창원=뉴시스] Reporter Hong Jeong-myeong = Park Hyung-in, the 8th Gyeongsangnam-do branch of the Liberation Society, delivers an inaugural address at the inauguration ceremony held in the auditorium on the 5th floor of the Gyeongnam Veterans Center, Seongsan-gu, Changwon-si, on the morning of the 14th. [email protected]

[창원=뉴시스] Reporter Hong Jeong-myeong = Park Hyung-in, president of the Gyeongnam Badminton Association for the Disabled, was inaugurated as the 8th Gyeongsangnam-do branch of the Liberation Society on the 14th.

The Liberation Society is an organization made up of the bereaved families of the martyrs and patriots who devoted themselves to the independence struggle during the Japanese War.

The inauguration ceremony held in the auditorium on the 5th floor of the Gyeongnam Veterans Center in Seongsan-gu, Changwon-si this morning, was attended by 50 people, including former Changwon University President Choi Hae-beom and former Gyeongnam Province bureau chief Jang Min-cheol, as well as local branch presidents, steering committee members, and members.

In his inaugural address, Park Hyung-in, the new provincial branch manager, said, “The Gyeongnam Liberation Society will take the lead in promoting the spirit of the independence movement by supporting the will of our ancestors who took the lead in the independence movement and love for the country. “He said.

Provincial branch manager Park served as the president of the Gyeongsangnam-do Federation for the time being, but this time he took office as the provincial branch manager, and his term of office is one year, and he can be reappointed.

He is devoting himself to nurturing younger students by donating 1104,000 won for the ‘Arim 1004 Movement’, which is being promoted by the military, and 2 million won for Geochang-gun scholarship, saving the Veterans’ Honor Allowance and various meeting allowances supported by his hometown of Geochang.

Currently, he is working as the president of the Gyeongnam Disabled Badminton Association and the editorial director of the Changwon Ilbo.

☞ Empathy Media News [email protected] <저작권자ⓒ 공감언론 뉴시스통신사. 무단전재-재배포 금지.>

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