Erling Haaland: scandal at Nations League game

Updated on 06/07/2022 at 09:33

  • Eddy about Erling Haaland.
  • After the Nations League game between Norway and Sweden, the striker heavily criticized his Swedish counterpart Alexander Milosevic.
  • He had insulted him badly. Milosevic reacted in disbelief to the allegations.

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Superstar Erling Haaland scored after his brace for the Norwegian national football team caused a sensation with sharp criticism of his Swedish opponent Alexander Milosevic. “First he called me a whore. I can say with certainty that I’m not,” said the 21-year-old, who is speaking about the new season from Borussia Dortmund to Manchester Cityon Sunday evening the TV channel TV2.

Milosevic then threatened to break his legs. “One and a half minutes later I scored. That was nice,” said Haaland, laughing. After his second goal in the Norwegians’ 2-1 (1-0) victory, he celebrated in front of Milosevic, the Swedish newspaper “Aftonbladet” wrote of a “mocking gesture”.

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Updated on 06/05/2022 at 12:09 p.m

England started the Nations League with a bitter defeat. In the Puskas Arena in Budapest, promoted Hungary defeated the European Championship runners-up 1-0 (0-0), so Gareth Southgate’s team is already under pressure before the duel with the DFB team on Tuesday.

Milosevic reacts in disbelief to Haaland’s allegations

Milosevic denied the allegations. Haaland’s comments were “pretty rude because I don’t speak Norwegian and he doesn’t speak Swedish,” he said: “I don’t speak English on the pitch, so I’m surprised that he says things I didn’t say.”

In the Scandinavian duel, Haaland initially scored after 20 minutes with a penalty kick. In the second half he followed up with a low shot to make it 2-0 (69′). A little later, Haaland, who now scored 18 goals in 19 international matches, even had the chance to score a hat-trick, but he failed free-standing to goalkeeper Robin Olsen. (afp/ska)

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Updated on 06/07/2022 at 08:10

At the next World Cup endurance test against England, national coach Hansi Flick and the national team want to get off to a flying start: For the longed-for victory against a big soccer nation, Flick could even break up the Bayern block, which is also weakening in Italy.


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