“Dihun en fête” unfolds in Pouldreuzic – Pouldreuzic

After two years marked by covid, Dihun can once again offer a program of festivities for a more festive edition of “Dihun en fête”, which marks the 30th anniversary of the association. Dihun and its members are deployed in all the municipalities of the Haut Pays Bigouden. All “Dihun en fête” events are free and open to everyone.

In Pouldreuzic, Wednesday June 8 at 4 p.m. in the Simone Veil space, place for the musical tale “Louhi, the witch of the north” in partnership with the media libraries of Plonéour-Lanvern and Plogastel-Saint-Germain, as well as leisure centers and members. awakening and musical initiation workshops at Dihun. Thursday, June 9 at 6 p.m. in the gymnasium, parent-child judo lessons. Saturday June 11 at 10 a.m. in the Simone-Veil space, place for the hearing of the students of the accordion, guitar, keyboard lessons. Monday, June 13 at 4:45 p.m., Simone-Veil open house at the soft gym workshop.


All the information and dates of Dihun en fête on the website: www.dihun.fr


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