Baseball summit at the Capitals: Europe as a guest at the Champions Cup 2022 in Bonn – more sport – sport

Max Kepler is well known to some sports fans. But certainly not all in Germany and also not in NRW. He is one of the biggest German stars in the USA and plays successfully Baseball for the Minnesota Twins – and in terms of salary is on the same level as, or even higher than, many German football professionals.

The Bonn embody the fact that this US sport has not only been popular with fans in Europe, but also in the Rhineland Capitals. The baseball club was founded by students in 1989 – and is a major contact point for baseball players, softball players and fans of the sport in NRW. The club has around 400 members and 16 teams.

Rheinaue baseball stadium five days venue for tournament

There is a highlight for the Bonn Capitals right now: Since Tuesday, the club with its Rheinaue baseball stadium has been hosting the European Champions Cup 2022.

The best eight teams from Europe compete in the Rhineland in the five-day tournament, four games are scheduled per competition day, the local heroes of the Capitals play on four out of five days at “prime time” at 7 p.m.

German competition for Bonn from Heidenheim

The European competition is illustrious, in addition to the clubs from Parma (Italy) and San Marino, the Netherlands are represented by Curacao Neptunus Rotterdam and L&D Amsterdam.

Draci Brno and Arrows Ostrava are arriving from the Czech Republic. The German competition for Bonn comes from Heidenheim.

Bonn Capitals can calculate title chances

The Bonn Capitals, who started the tournament against Ostrava on Tuesday, can count on a chance of a home win in the European Champions Cup: Bonn took second place in 2021 and narrowly lost in the final last year in Ostrava to the baseball club from Parma (4th place). :6).

In the Bundesliga, the Capitals have long been a fixture in the playoffs and have always reached the final in the club’s recent history since 2017. Since then, there have been four runners-up championships (most recently in 2021) and one championship title (2018).

Capitals coach self-confident: “Want to win the Champions Cup”

Bonn currently dominates the North Division of the Baseball House of Lords. The Capitals conceded the first bankruptcy in a catch-up game on Saturday (June 4th) against the direct pursuers of the Untouchables Paderborn after 17 wins in a row, but are still at the top of the north.

That Bonn is so self-confident is not surprising at the Champions Cup. On the club homepage head coach Max Schmitz quotes: “We want to win the Champions Cup.” Bonn wants to “further establish itself on the European map.” And show, “that we can consistently call up such services.”

Those: jti


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