Baseball, San Marino stumbles on Collecchio (5-1)

Baseball, San Marino stumbles on Collecchio (5-1)

Nothing to do in race 1 at Collecchio. The hosts won the first game of the series 5-1, scoring a point consistently from the second to the sixth inning, leaving the only scoring to the guests in the seventh (Batista’s solo-homer). Vincente Ruiz, loser Quevedo, 10 valid to 5 for Collecchio.

THE CHRONICLE. The start is hands-on for both teams. San Marino begins with the hits of Ferrini and Angulo, but then Lino beats in double play and the innings do not generate points. Collecchio goes with Benetti’s hit, Daddi’s double serve, Monzon’s double and Pasotto’s third line that closes the second half.

The score changes in the lower part of the 2nd, with the locals ahead thanks to a valid internal by Alfieri and double by Trolli (1-0). At 3rd, the score is 2-0 and the script is similar, with a single from Daddi to open the game and a double from Pasotto to push him home.

In the upper part of the 4th, San Marino Baseball does not take advantage of a recovery with two opponents errors and a valid one by Morresi, leaving the home attack the opportunity to extend in the lower part. Collecchio is punctual and scores another point, this time thanks to a defensive error in the situation of two men in point position (3-0).

At 5th the 4-0 comes thanks to a sacrificial sprint by Gamberini after the singles of Monzon and Pasotto, while at the 6th the 5-0 is signed by Daddi’s single after the ball bases at Trolli and Sorrentino.

In the upper part of the 7th home run from a Batista point. It ends 5-1.

The match report


SAN MARINO: Ferrini 3b (2/3), Angulo 2b (1/3), Lino r (0/2), Ustariz 1b (0/2), Leonora es (0/3), Morresi dh (1/3), Pieternella and (0/3), Batista and c (1/3), Epifano ss (0/3).
COLLECCHIO: Benetti 2b (1/4), Daddi ec (2/4), Monzon 3b (2/3), Pasotto ed (2/4), Gamberini 1b (0/2), Alfieri ss (1/2), Calasso dh (1/3), Trolli es (1/1), Sorrentino r (0/2).

SAN MARINO: 000 000 1 = 1 bv 5 e 1
COLLECCHIO: 011 111 X = 5 bv 10 e 2

LAUNCHERS: Quevedo (L) rl 4, bvc 7, bb 1, so 4, pgl 2; Rienzo (r) rl 2, bvc 3, bb 3, so 1, pgl 2; Ruiz (W) rl 6, bvc 4, bb 2, so 7, pgl 0; Maduro (r) rl 1, bvc 1, bb 0, so 0, pgl 1.

NOTES: Batista’s home run (1p. To 7th); doubles by Monzon, Pasotto and Trolli.


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