As a visitor, GEPU was ahead in the series against La Unión

After a devastating third quarter, the San Luis team won 92-82 in Colón and will have a double chance to close the series at home, which will move to San Luis for the second point next Thursday.

The group led by Martín Guastavino was left undefeated at home after falling to GEPU 82-92 for the first point of the Northern Conference Final. The series that has the San Luis team up, will now move to San Luis for the second point. Lavoratornuovo excelled at home with 23 points, 4 rebounds and 4 assists. On the visiting side, Feder Ponce contributed 27 points, 1 rebound and 1 assist in the victory of the visit.

The first quarter was even, at first La Unión was the one who started more tuned, but little by little GEPU was finding its spaces. The partial victory would be a visitor by 18 to 21. Almost without differences, the second quarter passed the same, although Fernández’s team was able to add a little more and get ahead on the scoreboard to go to rest quietly by 41 to 47 up.

Upon returning from halftime, the worst face of the local was seen on the field, where he only added 10 points, against 27 from the visit. A lethal partial for San Luis who took the opportunity to make a decisive difference. Mistakes and easy turnovers led La Union to fall behind on the board 51-74 at the end of the third period.

In the last segment, the Red woke up and achieved a fierce comeback, making his conversions effective and shortening distances, although the time was not enough to turn the game around. Although things went well for him in attack, he was unable to stop GEPU completely in defense, which endured the comeback and won by 82-92.

Midterms: 18-21; 23-26; 10-27; 31-18

Source: La Union Press


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