2022 Hunan’s first judo competition Dragon Boat Festival kicks off 400 future stars to show their style

2022 Hunan’s first <a data-ail="1986473" target="_blank" href="https://www.archysport.comcategory/judo/" >judo</a> competition Dragon Boat Festival kicks off 400 future stars to show their style

2022 Hunan’s first judo competition Dragon Boat Festival kicks off 400 future stars to show their style

red net moment

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2022-06-04 19:48:26

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Red Net Moment News June 4th(Reporter Zhou Yumo) From June 3rd to 4th, the 2022 “Let’s Run Youth” theme fitness activity for children and adolescents and the 2nd Judo Open of Hunan Province “Dizi Lingya Cup” will be held at Helong Sports School in Changsha. More than 400 athletes of all ages from 21 participating teams participated. There are eight groups in the competition, namely the AB group for children, the ABC group for primary school, the junior group and the AB group for teenagers, with a total of 68 levels.

Jiang Xianfu, director of Hunan Wrestling, Judo and Taekwondo Sports Management Center and chairman of the Provincial Wrestling and Judo Association, said, “Sports are the most active and effective way to improve the physical health of young people. Judo is a practical and combat-oriented sports event. , it can not only promote the balanced development of young people’s physique, but also help to cultivate children’s sense of competition, cooperation spirit and fair concept, which has far-reaching significance for children’s future. This event is the first large-scale event of the association in 2022. They can actively demonstrate judo etiquette and connotation, and carry forward judo wisdom and power.”

According to the reporter of Red Net Sports, the Provincial Wrestling and Judo Association has given full play to the organizational advantages of the platform in terms of special technology and talents in recent years, formulated the “Three Hundred Projects”, actively carried out wrestling and judo projects into campus services, and promoted the cultural learning and development of young people. Coordinated development of physical exercise. At the same time, in the process of building and promoting the characteristic campus construction of “one school with one product” and “one school with multiple products”, it actively cooperates with the education department to integrate resources and strengths of all parties.

He Hongmei, a judo world champion and head of He Hongmei Judo Hall, also said in an interview with a reporter from Red Net Sports that in the past two years, in addition to daily youth training, her judo hall is also actively promoting projects into the campus. 6 primary schools launched friendly cooperation. As the first female judo athlete in China to win a gold medal at the Judo World Championships, He Hongmei founded her own judo gym in 2016 after retiring and began to actively participate in the popularization and promotion of judo events. In 2020, her judo gym became a member of the Provincial Wrestling Judo Association unit. “In this competition, four of the schools we cooperated with organized teams to participate in the competition. In addition, our judo gym has our own team.” He Hongmei introduced, “I hope the children can test the results of their usual training in the competition.”

Source: Red Net

Author: Zhou Yumo

Editor: Liu Liangjun


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