Mercato: Real Madrid, PSG … Modric’s huge outing on the choice of Mbappé!

Foot – Market – PSG

Posted on May 26, 2022 at 3:15 a.m. by Arthur Montagne

On the side of Real Madrid, the choice of Kylian Mbappé to extend to PSG continues to go very badly, like Luka Modric, who has still not digested the outcome of this file.

While it seemed promised to the Real Madrid for many months, Kylian Mbappé finally decided to extend his contract to PSG until 2025. A decision which did not fail to be commented on and to react on the side of the Real Madrid who already saw themselves fielding a 100% French attacking duo with Karim Benzema et Kylian Mbappé. Et Luka Modric has trouble understanding.

Modric does not digest

« Surprised by Mbappe? No, because we didn’t know anything. There was no waiting. We talked about it a lot, for a year, but we didn’t know if it was going to happen or not, and that’s why we have to close this topic and not talk about it anymore. We have the Champions League final, which is the most important thing of all. Real Madrid will continue to be on top, above any player, above everything, and there is no need to think about it anymore. I think we have a very good team, a lot of players who can grow, who have had a great season and maybe we can add value to what we have here. Players some of whom may become big stars in the future “, Explain Luka Modric at the microphone of Radius Brand.

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