Incheon Metropolitan City Bupyeong-gu Youth Training Center, Youth Sports Hanmadang ‘The 1st Bupyeong Athletic Association’

Recruitment of participants for Youth Sports Hanmadang ‘The 1st Bupyeong Athletic Association’

[미디어투데이=안정태 기자] The Youth Training Center in Bupyeong-gu, Incheon is recruiting participants for the ‘2022 Youth Sports Hanmadang 1st Bupyeong Athletic Association’ by June 8.

This ‘Bupyeong Athletic Association’ was prepared to improve physical strength, relieve stress, and provide healthy motivation for achievement through sports activities and participation by local youths.

Considering the age and gender of the youth, this event will be held in three categories: badminton, basketball, and jumping rope. In addition, various attractions and experiences will be provided, such as a sports experience booth, a music skipping performance, and a prize lottery that local youth and residents can enjoy together.

In addition, as an event to invite the Heungkuk Life Pink Spiders, a women’s professional volleyball team based in Incheon Samsan Gymnasium, an autograph session and a friendly match with the youth volleyball club will be held.

Park Geon-ho, director of the Bupyeong-gu Youth Training Center, said, “I hope this Bupyeong Sports Festival will be a time for young people to laugh and run together through the long tunnel of COVID-19. ” he said.


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