Lawyer of Chile in complaint before FIFA by case Byron Castillo spoke of his tears in a match | National teams

Crocodile tears? Apparently that’s what they think in Chile after the episode that the soccer player Byron Castillo starred in a few days ago, who had to be replaced in the middle of the SC Barcelona match after bursting into tears. The player who has Ecuador in the ‘eye of the hurricane’ for an alleged false documentation about his nationality, committed a penalty against Aucas in the local league, and totally upset asked to be replaced.

Recently, the lawyer Eduardo Carlezzo, who is taking the complaint action of the Chilean Federation before FIFA, assured for the newspaper Third of Chile, that the soccer player must take advantage of and speak with the truth, because he sees future problems for him to sign with other clubs.

“The best response, the best defense will always be the truth. There can be no fear in speaking the truth, as lies are usually short-lived and can exact a heavy toll in the future. Byron has to come out and speak the truth. Today he He risks taking an expulsion from professional football, but there is still time to speak the truth and even escape a heavy sanction.”

And he added: “I am sure that FIFA would receive the player’s cooperation in the best possible way. He must take into account that if by chance the truth about his nationality does not appear now, that brand will continue to accompany him until the end of his career. and it will surely make it difficult for him to be hired by big football clubs.Byron has in his hands the key to his professional future”.


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