Federal prosecutor’s office is prosecuting Hein Vanhaezebrouck for criticizing referees, AA Gent disputes charges


Hein Vanhaezebrouck (58)’s criticism of the referees may not remain without consequences. The federal prosecutor’s office is filing two different charges against the AA Gent coach, as a result of which he is in danger of missing an extra game. “KAA Gent takes note of these demands, which are disputed by the club,” the club responded.

Jonas Withouck

On the first day of the Europe play-offs, Vanhaezebrouck received a red card from referee Nathan Verboomen for incessant protest. The 58-year-old coach is said to have returned to the catacombs during halftime of the match against Genk to express his displeasure and also strongly criticized the referees during his press conference.

For his red card, Vanhaezebrouck already had to serve a suspension last weekend, for his behavior after his exclusion, he now risks one more match day of effective suspension and a fine of 1,000 euros. If the federal prosecutor’s office wins, Vanhaezebrouck will have to grumble another game.

The second indictment concerns statements made by Vanhaezebrouck in an interview with The last news† There too, Vanhaezebrouck strongly criticized the referees and called referee boss Bertrand Layec “a big liar”. For those statements, he risks a conditional suspension of two match days and a fine of 2,000 euros.

Meanwhile, Ghent reacted to the news through the club channels. “KAA Gent takes note of these demands, which are disputed by the club. The case is scheduled for next Tuesday’s hearing. This means that Hein Vanhaezebrouck will just sit on the bench next Saturday during the home game against KV Mechelen.”



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