Extreme drought on America’s West Coast: “Fires are spreading like never before” – Panorama – Society

A sudden brush fire has destroyed numerous luxury homes in California. According to the authorities on Thursday, around 1000 houses in the village of Laguna Niguel near Los Angeles are temporarily evacuated, about 20 mansions were a robbery of the flames.

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The sheer size of the property contributed to the severity of the fire, said Lisa Bartlett of Orange County: “If you look at the size of the houses, there’s just so much combustible material,” she told the Los Angeles Times.

The extreme fires are a result of climate change

Strong winds contributed to the fact that the flames quickly jumped from property to property. Fire Chief Brian Fennessy explained that the fire was a result of the extreme drought in California that has lasted for years: “We are watching fires spread like never before.” As of Thursday, the fire was still considered out of control.


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