Champions League: Salah points to Madrid again: “I’m very motivated after what happened a few years ago”

Salah He said very clearly after eliminating against Villarreal in the semifinals that “I prefer Real Madrid” in the Champions League final. “We lost in the final against Real Madrid, so I want to play against them and I hope to beat them too”aadi a ‘BT Sports’. The Liverpool star does not forget the 2018 defeat in kyivespecially painful for him due to the injury that forced him to leave the final in the first half.

From the pairing with the whites in a new final, Salah prepares his revenge. After showing his desire to face Madrid in Paris, days later he sent a message on his social networks: “We have a score to settle”. It won’t be the last. “This is not over yet”avis recently after losing the Premier.

It was the worst moment of my career. Being in a final and after 30 minutes getting injured…

Salah, judodor del Liverpool

Hoy Salah He has once again insisted on his desire to settle the pending account he has with Real Madrid: “I’m very motivated after what happened a few years ago. Hopefully I can do like Kennedy in the final of 81. I am also motivated by what happened on Sunday (after losing the Premier).”

“I wish I could do like Kennedy

The Egyptian does not forget everything that surrounds the defeat against Madrid in the final in kyiv. “It was the worst moment of my career. Being in a final and after 30 minutes getting injured… Then having to go to the hospital, losing like that… Then, the following season, we said we had to continue.”

the renovation

His future is also making people talk: “I’m not focused on the contract right now. The important thing now is to focus on the team. But don’t worry, I’ll be here next season.”.

Salahwho caused a scare a few days ago after feeling discomfort that forced him to be substituted in the FA Cup final, takes stock of his season: “I think it has been good. I always try to help the team. I ended up very disappointed after not qualify for the World Cup, but I kept fighting and helping the team. I always try to be positive and give my best for the team.”


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