After his re-election: French President Macron meets Chancellor Scholz in Berlin – politics

French President Emmanuel Macron is traveling to Berlin for the first time since his re-election on Monday evening to meet with Chancellor Olaf Scholz. From 6 p.m. both want to exchange views on the war in Ukraine and European sovereignty, among other things. The aspects of defense and energy supply should be the focus.

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The SPD politician Scholz and the liberal Macron also want to take a look at other international issues: the situation in the African Sahel zone, the relationship with the Balkan region and the relationship between the European Union and China. Climate change, food security and space travel are also on the agenda.

For Macron, the visit to Scholz is the first trip abroad after his inauguration at the weekend. Two weeks ago he was re-elected as French President. The quick traditional inaugural visit shows how important the Franco-German tandem is, according to sources in the Élysée Palace. (dpa)


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