Young talents present at the rallies of the various selections – Sport

Small champions of beat and run grow up: Alessandro Anniballo and Riccardo Guidotti, in the Under 12 baseball category in Sesto Fiorentino and Sakura Cantini, in the Under 13 softball category in Marina di Massa, participated, on Easter Monday, in the rallies of the regional baseball selections and of the Tuscan softball, after having passed the first selection step, in anticipation of the composition of the representatives that will participate in the next Tournament of the Regions, scheduled for June in Lombardy. Present in Sesto Fiorentino, to accompany the boys, also the Juventus coaches Francesco Giusti and Jesus Barroso. For the young people of the Extra Baseball Club Siena it was certainly an important experience, which allowed them to grow and to compare themselves with other boys from all over Tuscany, as well as to be trained by the technicians of the regional selections.


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