Watch out for Ja Morant, the player who came from the future star of the NBA playoffs

A few weeks later, against the Spurs, he combines another of his own: here the deadlift takes place even further away, increasing the difficulty not only of crushing, but even of simply getting to the iron. Not for Morant, who seems to be wearing the boots of the seven leagues: his elevation is sensational and seems to hang in the air for a moment, as if the rules of gravity didn’t apply to him. Even more astonishing considering that poor Jakob Poeltl, who is not exactly a twig (he is 2.16 meters tall!), Going into contrast is literally overwhelmed by the momentum of the Memphis elf.


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Even the block of the year is unquestionably his, right at the home of those who invented Showtime: after a trivial turnover, there is nothing trivial in the prodigious leap that takes away two easy points from Avery Bradley – he is not satisfied with blocking it , no, he really wants to dust the Staples board at its most inaccessible point.


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Training and diet

All with a “normal” build for a basketball player: 1.91 meters tall for 79 kilos. His lean physique is optimal for moving quickly on the pitch and taking flight at sidereal heights. This requires hard training that sees him alternate between court and gym: his daily routine sees him on the parquet for two hours in the morning, while in the afternoon, for another two hours, he is busy in the weight room. In the gym, Morant practices exercises to increase muscle strength but also flexibility, to train his explosiveness: among these, barbell curls, pull-ups, squats, at least five times a week, while on “unloading” days the focus it’s mainly about running and cardio training.

Morant also recalled the years, as a young boy, in which his father pushed him to do an unconventional exercise: jumping on a tractor tire while holding a medicine ball. «A large part of my athleticism I owe to him. That exercise allowed my legs to get stronger – it was tiring, but I had to keep jumping and gritting my teeth. It’s something that allowed me to be faster on the pitch, more explosive ». Obviously, to push his verticality to the maximum, Morant’s workouts often focus on exercises with the legs, such as hops on one leg between an obstacle and the other and repetitions of jumps, always on one leg, along a path of Chinese people.

His diet includes proteins, vitamins, omega 3, carbohydrates. But his diet is quite varied: Morant makes no secret of eating family cuisine with gusto, including lasagna, chicken wings, ribs. Her pre-workout meals include protein intake through smoothies, eggs, almond milk. At lunch she can vary between pasta and white meat, often accompanied by vegetables, while at dinner she can opt for steak or fish.


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