Slazinger PVC Badminton Shuttlecock – 2 Pieces

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  • Slazinger PVC Badminton Shuttlecock - 2 Pieces

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Up to 50% off Life Week

Item number : 8822554044

Depending on the model, only some information may be displayed.
Please check the full details on your PC.

Direct transaction inducement caution If the seller induces payment in cash, never make a payment.
Interpark Safety Transaction Report Center (1661-2595)Please contact us.

Seller Notice

Product Satisfaction 0 participants
review score0.0

Provide information such as manufacturer/origin, contact information, and business number as seller information
sellerstudio S
Trade name / representativeStudioS/Park So-eon
Business Typesimple business operator
Business Number2440602158
Mail order number2021-Seoul Gangbuk-1447
e-mailSend Email
business location#101, 106-dong, Gukdong Apartment, 359-63 Suyu-dong, Gangbuk-gu, Seoul

product statusnew product
manufacturing companysee description
Product code/model8822554044
A receipt that can be issuedCredit card slip, cash receipt
A/SIt is handled according to our regulations.

Provision of information such as product material, color, and dimensions as a product information provision notice
Product and model nameSee detailed product description
size, weightSee detailed product description
colourSee detailed product description
textureSee detailed product description
product compositionSee detailed product description
Release date of the same modelSee detailed product description
In the case of manufacturer and imported goods, indicate the importer together.See detailed product description
country of manufactureSee detailed product description
Detailed specifications by productSee detailed product description
Quality Assurance StandardsSee detailed product description
A/S manager and phone numberSee detailed product description

Provision of information such as delivery method, delivery period, and reason/ground for non-refundable subscription as information on transaction conditions
Shipping methodparcel
delivery periodShips within 2 days on average (based on business days)
Reason/ground for cancellation of subscriptionA simple change of mind cannot be withdrawn.
Product exchange and return conditions and quality assurance standardsRefer to the product description column, and cannot be returned or exchanged in case of a simple change of mind, damaged packaging, or reduced product value.
Information on compensation for refund and refund delayno compensation
Inquiries related to consumer damage compensation and A/SIt is handled according to our regulations.
Contents of the terms and conditions for transactions or how to do itYou can check the product details page and the Terms of Use link at the bottom of the page.


  • The estimated delivery date is based on the average delivery date for the last month. There may be a difference of 2-3 days or more due to unavoidable reasons such as delivery to islands/mountainous areas.

  • Delivery may be slightly delayed due to force majeure (temporary out of stock, manufacturer’s product supply problem, etc.).

return shipping cost

  • Simple change of mind, round-trip shipping cost in case of purchase by mistake won

where to send

  • (01032) Room 101, Building 106, 4, Insubong-ro 72-gil, Gangbuk-gu, Seoul (01032)

Return/exchange application period

  • If you simply change your mind, you can apply within 7 days of receiving the product.
  • If the content of the product you received is different from the displayed advertisement, you can apply within 3 months of receiving the product or within 30 days from the day you knew or could have known the fact.

  • A contract concluded by a minor may be canceled by the person or his/her legal representative if the legal representative does not agree to it.
  • When selling or purchasing products subject to safety inspection according to the Quality Management and Industrial Product Safety Management Act or industrial products subject to child protection packaging, please check whether the product has undergone safety inspection or is a product subject to child protection packaging.
  • When purchasing information or telecommunication equipment, please check whether the product has been certified or approved in accordance with the Electrical Appliances Safety Management Act, the Basic Act on Telecommunications, and the Radio Waves Act.
  • If you transact directly with the seller without using Interpark’s payment system, please be aware that damage may occur, such as not receiving the product or receiving a product that is different from the purchased product.
  • The registered products and contents are registered by the seller, and Interpark Co., Ltd. is not responsible for the registered contents.

Interpark Safety Payment System (Escrow) Information

All products of Interpark Co., Ltd. are provided with a safe payment system for the safety of members’ purchases regardless of seller and payment method.

Payment deposit business registration: 02-006-00058

Confirmation of service subscription

Seoul Guarantee Insurance Purchase Safety Service

For safe transactions, customers can use the purchase safety service (shopping mall guarantee insurance) that provides protection to buyers when paying in cash.

Confirmation of service subscription

Data call charges when using 5G/LTE
may be charged.



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