Saint-Etienne will play their last home game behind closed doors

Saint-Etienne’s last home game of the season will be played behind closed doors, the Professional Football League (LFP) announced on Monday April 25, sanctioning the Greens after the incidents that occurred on Saturday April 23 during the match against Monaco (1- 4) in Ligue 1, interrupted for a long time. The LFP Disciplinary Committee placed the case under investigation and ordered a total closed session at the Geoffroy-Guichard stadium as a precaution, after the meeting was interrupted due to the throwing of smoke bombs. It will make its decision on May 18, four days after Saint-Etienne – Reims, the last home game of the season for the club which is fighting to stay in L1 and will therefore have to receive the Champenois without spectators in the stands.


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