Popular Persebaya News Today: Leo Lelis Becomes Aji Santoso’s Proof to Samsul Arif’s Message

SURYA.CO.ID – Here popular Persebaya news today, Friday (7/4/2022), about the proof of Aji Santoso through the recruitment of Leo Lelis to the message Samsul Arif goodbye.

Aji Santoso often dubbed as a coach who does not want to use foreign players who have played in Indonesia.

He often takes foreign players who have never set foot in Surabaya.

Here’s the full news.

1. Aji Santoso breaks the stigma

Persebaya has officially announced the first foreign signing this season, the player is Leo Lelis, a defender who previously strengthened Persiraja Banda Aceh.

Together with Persiraja, the 28-year-old Brazilian player played 29 times, scoring 2 goals.

“Welcome Leonardo Sila Lelis. The player who plays the central defender position also has a deadly free kick accuracy. During the 2021/22 season he has scored two goals and one of them is through a free kick,” wrote Persebaya’s official account, Thursday (7/4/). 2022).

Leo Lelis was chosen to replace the position of foreign defender Persebaya the previous season, Alie Sesay, who officially left Bajol Ijo.

The recruitment of Leo Lelis is proof that Aji Santoso is not allergic to foreign players who have previously played in Indonesia.


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