‘Okcheon Multi-purpose Sports Center Construction Project’ sketch has been released: Media Today www.mediatoday.asia

‘Okcheon Multi-purpose Sports Center Construction Project’ sketched out

[미디어투데이=안상일 기자] Okcheon-gun has selected the winning design of the ‘Okcheon Multipurpose Sports Center’, which is being promoted in the area of ​​125 Samyang-ri, Okcheon-eup, to promote the health and quality of life of local residents.

According to the military, the project submitted by KNT Architects Co., Ltd. was selected as the final winner as a result of evaluating the submissions from a total of eight companies through a screening committee held by the Public Procurement Service on the 5th.

The winning project is equipped with a bowling alley (12 lanes), a badminton (volleyball) court, and a parking lot with a total floor area of ​​5,200 m2 on 1 basement level and 3 stories above ground. The interior space planning was evaluated as excellent.

The military plans to complete the basic and detailed design services by December and proceed with the project with the goal of completion in 2025 as the winning designs for the design competition are selected.

In particular, the design direction and schedule will be provided to local residents through the initiation report, and various opinions will be heard by holding a resident briefing session.

After that, the design and floor plan will be confirmed through an interim report, and the construction will begin next year after going through administrative procedures.

Kim Seong-nam, head of the sports facilities business office, said, “We expect to contribute to the improvement of physical fitness and quality of life of residents by solving the problem of insufficient supply of sports activities and introducing necessary sports facilities for residents of Okcheon-gun. We will try our best to meet the needs of the

Meanwhile, the military is investing a total of 14 billion won in the Okcheon Multi-Purpose Sports Center construction project, and secured 4.2 billion won in the national budget and 4.9 billion won in the provincial budget as a special accounting project for balanced national development in 2021.


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