Luis Díaz: history, River Plate ruled him out because he was expensive, he went to Porto and today he shines in Liverpool | Colombia selection

louis diaz is the theme. Happily. His great games at Liverpool, his fantastic adaptation, his contribution to a team that look for four titles this season, they are daily news.

Many point out that his progression was ideal from when he began his history at Barranquilla FC, that landing in a team with expert training like Porto was ideal, and that this is reflected in his natural entry into a team like Liverpool, which signed him as a reality rather than a promise.

The curious thing is that many now remember that the road was never easy and that Díaz had to go through rejection to get to where he is today.

It is nothing less than River Plate of Argentina, whose coach, Marcelo Gallardo, noticed him once the departure of Gonzalo ‘Pity’ Martínez was confirmed.

According to the newspaper Olé, the contacts were made but the numbers did not give: “Antonio Char, who was the president of Junior until 2020, wanted ten million dollars for the entire pass of Díaz, an impossible figure for the Núñez treasury at the time. Although there was also another number: 6,000,000 for the 60 per wind on the chip. River’s final offer was $5,000,000 for 70 percent. What happened? From Colombia they lowered the thumb … ”, said the source.

“If the values ​​of all the incorporations that arrived at the beginning of 2019 are added, the total gives 8,930,000 dollars, almost three clubs more than what Luis Díaz would have left. Of course, for that sum, River signed four players: he incorporated Suárez (3 sticks); the purchase option executed some time later by Carrascal (2,500,000 dollars); Angileri (2,230,000) and Robert Rojas (1,200,000). Did you do good business?

Díaz saw that door closed but Porto noticed and put 7.2 million euros on the table, which convinced Junior. He went to Portugal, an ideal league for landing in Europe and was trained in the way that a team like Liverpool needed him, which paid 45 million euros for him in January (plus 15 in variables), more than round business for him club that did take the risk.


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