Lille: the locker room no longer wants Ben Arfa

Still dismissed by LOSC, Hatem Ben Arfa is not sure of returning to train with his team by the end of the season. Part of the locker room no longer wants to see the attacking midfielder wear the Lille jersey.

Ben Arfa failed Lille again…

Hatem Ben Arfa and Lille, it’s (almost) over. In the eye of the storm since his altercations with Tiago Djalo and Jocelyn Gourvennec after the draw against Bordeaux (0-0) in the league last Saturday, the 35-year-old attacking midfielder should no longer wear the LOSC jersey.

The locker room behind Gourvennec

According to RMC Sport, part of the Lille locker room no longer wants to see HBA at the training center. These players, including some executives, do not accept the behavior of their teammate. They believe that the former Bordelais has gone too far with his disrespectful remarks towards their coach and that the page Ben Arfa has already turned to the Mastiffs.

Intervened to try to calm Djalo and Ben Arfa, Gourvennec had drawn the wrath of the second, who then attacked him verbally. We play too low here. We don’t play like a team that claims a place in the European Cup. It’s not Guingamp here! he had launched the former coach of … Guingamp according to comments reported by RMC.

Ben Arfa card until the end of the season?

Absent from training since this incident, Ben Arfa may never set foot in the Domaine de Luchin again. The player’s contract ending next June, the reigning French champion could ban HBA until the end of the season by continuing to pay his salary rather than embarking on a legal procedure which will be long.

If the LOSC still has to choose how the adventure will end, the fate of the player passed by Lyon, Marseille or even Paris therefore seems sealed after a new controversy and a disappointing experience. Arrived free last January, Ben Arfa has only delivered one decisive pass in the jersey of LOSC in nine games in all competitions.

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