Hamilton: We obviously don’t fight for the F1 championship anymore

The situation is not at all rosy either, Hamilton is in seventh position with a paltry 28 points, while leader Charles Clecker has 86 points.

The British himself believe that his chances for the title have been lost this season. All he can do with the team is understand the machine and progress from day to day.

Luis Hamiltons

Mercedes team pilot

“Obviously we are not fighting for the championship. But we struggle to understand the car, improve it and progress over the course of a year. That’s all we can hope for right now. “

The fact that the Mercedes car is not in the best condition was also acknowledged by the team leader Toto Wolf, who apologized to Hamilton for the impassable car. Throughout the season, you can see that Luisa’s car is shaking thoroughly, which is difficult to control and, of course, everyone’s car is obviously too slow.

Hamilton has won at least one stage in his career in all the F1 seasons he has played. This season, however, in order to continue this series, a huge amount of work has to be done by the entire Mercedes team together.

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