French National Women’s Basketball Team – Wikiwand

French National Women’s <a data-ail="1826909" target="_blank" href="" >Basketball</a> Team – Wikiwand

The French women’s national basketball team is the women’s national team representing France in international basketball competitions, referred to as the French women’s basketball team. They are ranked 5th in the FIBA ​​World Ranking published by Nike.[1] In August 2021, FIBA ​​announced the latest world rankings of the women’s national basketball team, and the French national women’s basketball team ranked fifth.[2]

The French women’s national basketball team is the women’s national team representing France in international basketball competitions, referred to as the French women’s basketball team. They are ranked 5th in the FIBA ​​World Ranking published by Nike.[1]

August 2021,FIBA announced the latest world ranking of the women’s national basketball team, and the French national women’s basketball team ranked fifth.[2]

Chinese name

french national women’s basketball team


country / region
World Ranking


1. FIBA[引用日期2021-07-15]
2. Sina[引用日期2021-08-14]


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