Football – From impossible extension to open door: Kylian Mbappé, six months of roller coaster with PSG

October 4, 2021: Mbappé drops the first bomb

I said at the end of July that I wanted to leave

League 1

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After a tumultuous summer of 2021 with the Blues and a club situation that everyone is talking about, Kylian Mbappé gives a long format interview to RMC, in which he discusses all the subjects, in particular his future in the club. Surprise: the French striker officially recognizes for the first time having wanted to leave PSG. “I asked to leave, because from the moment I didn’t want to extend, I wanted the club to have a transfer fee to have a quality replacement.“, he explains while specifying that at this moment, he does not see himself extending with the Parisian club.For a month and a half, two months, we no longer discuss an extension“, he adds in an interview with L’Equipe.

While his contract only extends until the summer of 2022, Mbappé’s summer period has been marked by all kinds of rumors, but also denials, such as that of Nasser Al-Khelaifi who publicly announced that PSG will not wouldn’t sell his jewel, but he wouldn’t go free either. A declaration that does not fail to point the finger at the tricolor international, not without addressing a small spade to its leader: “It’s scary when your president says: ‘He’s never going to go free’. When I heard that, I swallowed hard. I said to myself ‘So what is going to happen there?’“. The scene is set, Mbappé is retained against his will in Paris and intends to complete his contract before looking elsewhere.

Mbappé, it’s unreal: “At his age, Henry had only scored 8 goals”

December 5, 2021: Kylian is “well in Paris”

I’m Parisian, I’m at home, I have my family here. I always said I was great

After his shock outing in October, and a start to the season under the whistles of the Parc des Princes, Kylian Mbappé first responded on the pitch. With nine goals and thirteen assists in all competitions, the boy from Bondy has evacuated his disappointment with the Euros, and proves that he has definitely taken a step forward under Mauricio Pochettino by asserting himself a little more as the number one leader. PSG on the pitch. From there to change its future in the long term? “It is a decision that is not easy. No matter what I will play in a big club“, he prefers to temporize at the microphone of Prime Video.

Faced with Thierry Henry, the number 7 of PSG also returns to his false start of the summer, always assuming that he wanted to leave Paris. “When people said to me ‘you’re not too disappointed not to be transferred?’… Yes, a bit at the beginning, it’s normal when you want to leave. But I was not in National, I was in a club that wants to win the Champions League.” And this time, Mbappé chooses to brush the Parisian supporters in the direction of the hair, recalling his love for Paris: “And besides, I’m Parisian, I’m at home, I have my family here. I’ve always said I was great. It’s just that at that time, I wanted to discover something elseEverything seems possible, even if the sense of history sends the Frenchman to Real Madrid for the next season.

Kylian Mbappé with a clenched fist facing the Parc des Princes stand during the match between PSG and Clermont, September 11, 2021 in Ligue 1

Credit: Imago

December 15, 2021: A “human” Mbappé will not leave in January

Real Madrid? In January, of course not. I will finish the season at PSG, 100%

Two weeks after giving an interview to Paris-Match in which he explained that he favored the experience of human life over simply “brewing money”, Kylian Mbappé stirred up the winter transfer window. From Dubai, the French striker connects the media, including the Americans of CNN to whom he speaks about his short-term future, and in particular on a question about the Merengue: “Real Madrid? In January, of course not. I will finish the season at PSG, 100%. And I’m very happy about it“.

Chance of the calendar, PSG will face the Spanish club in the knockout stages of the Champions League at the end of winter. History to shed a little more light on Mbappé, who is set to give everything with Paris, even if he refuses to see further: “The only thing I have in mind is to beat Real Madrid in February and March. We are ready and I am ready to play and give everything for PSG.“The signals are good, Mbappé will not live a second half of the season at Rabiot a few years ago. The Parisian club cannot afford it anyway.

Can Paris overthrow Mbappé? “Even if they offered him the Eiffel Tower…”

February 6, 2022: Interest in Madrid confirmed before the C1 duel

Playing against Real Madrid changes a lot of things. Even if I’m free to do what I want, I’m not going to talk with the opponent

Kylian Mbappé still shines in Ligue 1, as much as he keeps the mystery around his future in 2022. That said, a few days before facing the Merengue in the Champions League, the French recognizes that facing this opponent is very special: “Playing against Real Madrid changes a lot of things“. For Prime Video, the Parisian striker confirms that he distinguishes between his desire to join the Merengues, and the assurance of being 100% with PSG until the end of the season: “Even though I’m free to do what I want, I’m not going to talk to the opponent or do that kind of thing. I’m focused on winning against Real Madrid, trying to make a difference and then we’ll see what happens” If the future of Mbappé in Paris darkens, the main interested party keeps the same speech in substance: “No, the decision is not made.”

Kylian Mbappé (PSG)

Credit: Getty Images

April 3, 2022: An (almost) unexpected turnaround

I’m thinking because there are new elements, lots of things and new parameters

A few weeks after the rumor of an insane financial offer proposed by PSG to try to extend his jewel, making him the highest paid player in the world, and by far, the pitiful elimination of the Parisians in the Champions League seems to have sealed the future of Kylian Mbappé, who will go free to Real Madrid in the summer. However, after the crushing victory of PSG against Lorient (5-1), the latter surprised his world by leaving the door open about his future.

“JI didn’t make my choicehe announces for Prime. I haven’t made my decision. I’m thinking because there are new elements, lots of things and new parameters“The forcing made by the PSG to extend its star could well have borne fruit, even for a short contract. The French international does not hide it, the two clans have taken a step towards each other: “If staying at PSG is possible? Yes of course“Making sure you want to take”the best possible decision“For him, Kylian Mbappé has once again reshuffled the cards for his future. Parisian fans can afford to dream. Hope is back.

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League 1

“There are new parameters…”: Mbappé maintains the suspense over his future



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