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Developing the LSB is necessary if you want to empower the national team Photo: Ismael Batista Ramirez

The start of the Superior Basketball League (LSB), in its male and female editions, will be on April 2, after being postponed due to insurance problems. Despite the material limitations that threaten a better show, the National Commission, led by Dalia Henry, has worked hard to return to the fans, after three years, the elite burst sport tournament in Cuba.

The LSB is necessary for a true development of basketball and better results of the national team. As much as the athletes contracted in foreign leagues and those who return to the discipline of the Cuban Federation are the base of the main quintet, with the best face in recent events, it would be an illusion not to differentiate what the level of the Cuban team is and that of the indoor basketball

«To advance you have to play, play as many games as possible and, by all means, maintain the LSB. Despite not having the level we want, it does enhance competitiveness, the discipline that characterizes an official tournament and forms the relay, “said Eduardo Moya, coach of the national team.

To the above should be added the work that must be undertaken in the lower categories, in which the fundamentals of the game and of technical-tactical thinking are established, to prevent errors that later disrupt a result in the international arena.

The LSB will begin and, without a doubt, Villa Clara, Capitalinos, Artemisa, Matanzas, Sancti Spíritus, Ciego de Ávila, Santiago de Cuba and Guantánamo, in the men’s sector, and Pinar del Rio, Avila, Santiago de Cuba, Guantanamo, Capital and Sancti Spiritus, among the Ladies, they will go all out for the title.


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