Tiger Woods completes 18 holes at Augusta National

Tiger Woods played 18 holes at the Augusta National Golf Club. this past Tuesday, as published by several US media. Woods completed the course with his son Charlie and his close friend and fellow professional golfer Justin Thomas.

Woods arrived Tuesday morning at Augusta Regional Airport in his private jet Gulfstream. At the time the news broke, fans began to speculate that the five-time Masters champion was preparing to take part in the Augusta Masters. Indeed Tiger Woods is on the list of 91 players registered to play this tournament next weekalthough he has yet to confirm his presence.

I wish I could tell you when I’ll play again, but I don’t know.

Tiger Woods, last February

american golfer was in a serious car accident on February 23, 2021 in Los Angeles. He had open fractures to the upper and lower tibia and fibula in his right leg. He told reporters at the Hero World Challenge in the Bahamas in late November that doctors nearly had to amputate his right leg.

His recovery has been slow, but progress is evident. “I wish I could tell you when I’m going to play again, but I don’t know. My golf activity has been very limited. I hit the short irons very well, but I haven’t really done long stuff, I’m still working,” Woods said on June 16. February.


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