Latvian Floorball Union »LV» 2021/2022 »News» “Talsu NSS / Krauzers” regains control in the series against “Ķekava”

“Talsu NSS / Krauzers” regains control in the series against “Ķekava”

In the ELVI floorball league men’s quarter-final series, the team “Talsu NSS / Krauzers” has taken the lead with 2: 1, tonight in the opponent’s field with 8:4 defeated “Ķekavu”. The Talsenians gained the decisive advantage in the second period, when they were superior with 5: 0.

Before tonight’s game, this quarter-final pair in the series had a balance of 1: 1. In the first match in Talsi with 6: 3, the Talsi floorball players won, but in the second game, the people of Kekava managed to revenge with 7: 5, restoring the draw to 1: 1 with four victories of one team.

The third game of the series took place in Kekava. In the first period, only one goal was scored – in the 16th minute, the most successful player of the league, Klāvs Janons, put the owners of the field with a 1: 0 lead. Already during the second third, the situation changed dramatically, as the people of Talsi were able to score five unanswered goals, taking the reins – 5: 1. Matīss Fogelis, Andris Blumbahs, Dilans Kronentāls and Andrejs Šķerbergs threw the ball into the goal, but the Kekava team put another ball into their own goal. In the last period, the team “Talsu NSS / Krauzers” defended its superiority and celebrated a convincing victory with 8: 4.

The winner of the best player’s award went to goalkeeper Valters Kasyanenko, who repelled 37 of 41 opponents’ shots. Emīls Krūmiņš, Valters Kalnietis and Andris Blumbahs accumulated 2 (1 + 1) performance points in his team. Andy Kleistrov was recognized as the best among the people of Kekava, who stood out with one goal. The most productive in his team with 3 (2 + 1) points was Klāvs Jansons, 2 (1 + 1) points in Tomas Gredzens.

“Ķekava” – “Talsu NSS / Krauzers” 4: 8 (1:0, 0:5, 3:3)

Litter ratio:

41:22 (15:8; 9:7, 17:7)

Top results:

“Ķekava” – Klāvs Jansons 3 (2 + 1), Toms Gredzens 2 (1 + 1), Andijs Kleistrovs 1 (1 + 0), Ernests Ronis 1 (0 + 1).

“Talsu NSS / Krauzers” – Emīls Krūmiņš 2 (1 + 1), Valters Kalnietis 2 (1 + 1), Andris Blumbahs 2 (1 + 1), Toms Bitmanis 2 (0 + 2), Matīss Fogelis 1 (1 + 0), Mariss Bergmanis 1 ( 1 + 0), Dilans Kronentāls 1 (1 + 0), Andrejs Šķerbergs 1 (1 + 0), Artis Raitums 1 (0: 1).


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