Kasper Asgreen, alpha male of ‘The Wolfpack’, about the possible absence of Wout van Aert: “Would change course completely” – Het Laatste Nieuws

  1. Kasper Asgreen, alpha male of ‘The Wolfpack’, about the possible absence of Wout van Aert: “Would change course completely” The last news
  2. Quick-Step Alpha Vinyl never thought of fielding Julian Alaphilippe in Tour of Flanders Wielerkrant.be
  3. Kasper Asgreen: “I will be watched more closely” WielerFlits.be
  4. Kasper Asgreen, one-man Wolfpack in the Tour of Flanders: “Without Wout it will be a completely different race” The newspapaer
  5. Should Quick-Step mainly compete with Van der Poel? “What Mathieu did was very impressive” Wielerkrant.be
  6. View full story on Google News


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