“Evil, envy and contamination”: the deepest reflections of Gonzalo Higuaín on his experiences in football

Gonzalo Higuaín spoke about the miseries of football

In every interview, Gonzalo Higuain open your heart and nothing is kept. Soccer gave him good, but also bad. And in the final stretch of his career, he dedicates himself to enjoying himself at Inter Miami even though he knows that once he retires he will definitely move away from the sport that gave him a name. The Pipita He spoke of the miseries that surround football and argued why he will not want to know anything more about that little world that surrounds him.

“People have no idea what a soccer player is. He thinks we play soccer and he’s already there. We have a father, we have a mother, like you. And we have the same miseries that we all have”expressed in an interview granted to the program First impact of the Univision Network. The subject for which they had consulted him was the illness suffered by his mother, who passed away last year: “I remember my mother from the love side, the sensitive side, how to raise my daughter. When she told me that she was going to do things for my daughter that she would never have imagined. And it’s true”.

Regarding the balance he makes of his career, the scorer stated: “I greatly exceeded the expectations I had and I am grateful for everything that football gave me, even if you have to pay a high price for it. And I’m not talking about economics, but about life. The exposure, the evil, living judged all the time. What do you do and what do you stop doing… When you are a child, you cannot imagine that”.

Gonzalo Higuaín and the miseries that surround soccer (REUTERS / Matthew Childs)

Loaded, memes and ruthless criticism is what Higuaín had to face after losing each final with the Argentine team (World Cup 2014 and Copa América 2015 and 2016). “Failure is not losing a final, failure is not being able to be what you wanted to be. Or not get up. I call it more frustration. The finals are defined by what you did before, or is the World Cup just the final? Groups, eighths, quarters and semis are played. Our generation went 19 games undefeated in the three competitions, we didn’t even lose in the finals in the 1990s. ‘But Argentina didn’t score a goal in the three finals,’ they say. And neither do they”, valued the 34-year-old attacker who won 14 titles at club level.

Retirement is approaching and the Pipita He already imagines the future: “The soccer player serves or exists until he plays soccer, then no one calls you anymore. I have been very clear for years. It is a disposable bottle. It empties, they step on you and throw you”.

What will become of Gonzalo Higuaín’s life once he hangs up his boots at Inter Miami? “It will be far from football, clearly. Far away. I’m going to enjoy it until I play it, but then not even close. It is a very bad contamination. It’s not pain or discomfort, I feel like it’s not the world I want to be in, “she sentenced.

And he concluded: “When you start playing, you say ‘wow, everything is beautiful’. When you start to get to know him thoroughly, the evil, the envy, the jealousy… Already having everything I have, the most important thing, which is my wife and my daughter, why get back into that bubble? No!”.


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