After the health crisis, CSA Badminton d’Ambert (Puy-de-Dôme) is back in working order

With a first meeting on November 22 in the departmental inter-club championship, CSA Badminton started with a narrow defeat at home against Billom. But the team could catch up on December 6 in Issoire.

The sports clubs of Livradois-Forez weakened by the health crisis: “It’s not the red alert, but it must not last”

The club, which has existed for a dozen years, currently has 45 adults and 25 children in its membership. “Children benefit from lessons provided by supervisors,” explains the club’s president, François Locret. We don’t really have a structured school, we are all volunteers. »

A formula that works

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No professional teacher strictly speaking but a formula that works rather well since “the 8 to 15 year old niche works well”, adds François Locret. After 15 years, players join the adult ranks.

“We have three training sessions a week, explains Marie-Emilie Lamaison, an active member of the club, and Thursday is a ‘directed’ training session. There are about ten professional competitors. “The latter make individual tournaments. “We have two types of competitions, completes François Locret: team interclubs and singles or doubles tournaments. » For team competitions, a minimum of 6 regular players must be entered.

Increase in numbers, departmental championships… the CSA Badminton Ambert goes all out!

“The young people are quite loyal to the club, remarks Marie-Emilie. It’s a sport accessible to all, not very technical, you can play and have fun right away. The most complicated thing is to coordinate the racket and the shuttlecock. »

Synchronization is not innate. But from the start of the practice of badminton, we have fun. And then everyone can evolve at their own pace and in their own way

Present for “Ambert en rose”

The club took part in the first edition of “Ambert en rose” through a festive day organized at the gymnasium. “The morning was mainly focused on the children,” says Marie-Emilie. We did baby gym, badminton workshops with the family. In the afternoon, we were able to offer innovative sports thanks to “Mobil’Sport”. This day gave the occasion to the children, parents and grandparents sometimes, to meet around sporting activities. It changes from the usual context. »

Finally, in the evening, an adult tournament was organised. Some club members took the opportunity to enlist their spouses. “The atmosphere was festive with the presence of DJ Simon, a member of the club, relates François Locret. We had a lot of people, it was a great day. »

Increase in the number of members

The club now has a few projects: a disguised Christmas tournament for club members, a weekend in the Ardèche with tournament and tourism on the program, a tournament in March with local clubs… “It feels good to meet again, emphasizes Marie-Emilie. And the number of members is rising after a year of gym bans. We were a bit afraid that people would turn to outdoor sports. »

A pink first October in Ambert (Puy-de-Dôme) against breast cancer on October 23 and 24 and meetings throughout the month

With “local partner companies playing the game”, the club will provide welcome t-shirts for all licensees and competition t-shirts. “It’s the friendly aspect but also the spirit of competition that we try to develop in order to progress, concludes the president of CSA Badminton. It motivates. » Members sometimes combine playing badminton with disguise.


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