Visit to the Berlin Para Boccia Team InInclusive: helpers urgently needed! – Districts – Berlin

Our people newsletter, which has more than 260,000 subscriptions throughout Berlin, brings you the latest and background information from your district. The week always begins for us with Lichtenberg and Treptow-Köpenick. You can order our newsletter from these two Berlin districts, like all other district newsletters from the Tagesspiegel, free of charge here:

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Robert Klages writes from LICHTENBERG:

  • Para Boccia is a Paralympic sport that is also practiced in Berlin. For example in Hohenschönhausen at Inclusive. Our newsletter author stopped by the training and saw great achievements, more on that in the newsletter. Meanwhile, there is a lack of trainers and helpers, without whom the athletes would not be able to practice their sport. If you are interested, you are welcome to contact us at [email protected]. Or drop by a taster day: February 26 from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. in the sports hall of the 34th elementary school, Konrad-Wolf-Straße 11. Other newsletter topics this time include:
  • FDP wants to expand Lichtenberg station into a “night train hub”.
  • Berlin gets climate citizens: inner council
  • Petition for cinema future at Ostkreuz
  • Corona-Update
  • Dispute over the fence: things get stressful between the trailer park, the district and the investor

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Thomas Loy writes from TREPTOW-KÖPENICK:

  • Building Senator Geisel mediates in the Plänterwald conflict
  • A portrait of new gallery owners in Schöneweide
  • Monday demo in Köpenick: No crooks, no Nazis…
  • Marggraff Bridge: No problem with the tram
  • Pyramid bridge at the Union Stadium is being rebuilt
  • Catastrophic tree balance in the district
  • Köpenicker tawny owl fed up

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Especially important in these times: to congratulate loved ones. In our newsletters from Lichtenberg and Treptow-Köpenick and of course in all other district people newsletters from the Tagesspiegel, you can refer to the birthdays of friends, life partners, relatives, neighbors, colleagues, business partners, etc., or even congratulate them with a few nice words. Write to our authors, whose e-mail addresses you will find in the newsletters.


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