They announce documentary “After Jackie”

This year marks the 75th anniversary of the debut of Jackie Robinson, who broke the MLB color barrier when he joined the Brooklyn Dodgers on April 15, 1947. Thus began a heroic battle for the Robinson who risked his life to join the national pastime.

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Other black players were waiting for Robinson to run the bases, so they could join forces with him and clear the way for other generations. That’s the subject of the documentary “After Jackie” produced by NBA superstar LeBron James and his sports brand Uninterrupted, in collaboration with the History Channel, Firelight Films, Major League Baseball and the Jackie Robinson Foundation.

The documentary will focus on the second wave of black players who entered the Major Leagues, including Bob Gibson, Curt Flood and Bill White.

“After Jackie” is based largely on Robinson’s private letters and will also include interviews with past and present Major League players such as CC Sabathia and Mookie Betts. MLB will provide unlimited access to its video files for the project.

No date has been announced for the release of the documentary.


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