The hidden face of ‘tsar’ Vladimir Putin

Vladimir Putin’s biography is a nebula of unconnected anecdotes, an unbreakable fortress in which he hides his love affairs, his paternity and his incalculable fortune

Reserved and eclectic. Diving into the personal life of Vladimir Putin is an arduous, complicated and cumbersome task; very cumbersome. It’s all rumours, assumptions, censored news when it comes to light. appearances and disappearances. The biography of the new tsar is a nebula of unconnected anecdotes, an unbreakable strength like his face, redecorated with countless aesthetic operations. Oliver Stone already said it in his documentary film The Putin Interviews. “She has very small eyes, and that makes it more difficult for the camera to interpret her gestures.”

That’s right, Putin, who on Wednesday ordered the invasion of Ukraine, he has a strange look that is nothing more than the reflection of his soul. Aspiring alpha male, he insists on portraying himself shirtless, bare-chested, entering the icy waters of the Russian winter, hunting bears, riding or reviewing the colossal Russian army. Anything goes to show the world that he is the best rooster in the corral. However, that nobody dares to cross the line of the personal because that is territory is forbidden.

Putin’s biography could well feed into a movie script. Yours would be a thriller with tints of suspense seasoned with love affairs of low bed. They say that he was born on October 7, 1952 in Leningrad, now Saint Petersburg.. Not even the day is confirmed. Little Vladimir grew up in a collective apartment with other families and the rats roaming freely. The city founded by Peter the Great had suffered the scourges of the Revolution and the stakes of World War II. In the 1950s, people lived there as the party ordered.

Probably consented, since the family had lost two children after the famine of the siege of Leningrad, the youngest of the house had a lot of free time, time that he killed between the street and the park. Aspiring kaffir until he started practicing judo at the age of 12. Sport changed his life. Today he is eighth dan of karate, master of Judo and partner, a Russian martial art. The Russian president also skis, plays ice hockey, swims and trains seven days a week. “When I swim, absurd thoughts come to me”, he confessed to Oliver Stone. Is it in the water where that imperial aspiration of the zarévich Putin?

official marriage

In the city of the Neva River, in the recesses of the box office of the Lensovet Theater, he met Lyudmila Putina, his only official wife to date, with whom he married in 1983 and from whom he separated 30 years later. The announcement was made jointly at the break of the ballet premiere Esmeraldaby Cesare Pugni.

Her she was a stewardess for PJSC Aeroflot, the Russian airlines, and he was a KGB official. Lyudmila studied Spanish and German at university. She never liked being the center of attention, even as first lady she chose low-key appearances, mainly related to cultural and charity issues.

The couple had two daughters: Masha, born in Leningrad the same year as Perestroika (1985), and Katia (Dresden, 1986). Both were educated in a German school until Putin won the presidency. Obsessed with their safety and that of their family, the girls left the classroom to receive classes at home.

Today Masha is a doctor. It seems that the name she uses is Maria Vorontsova. She is married to a Dutch businessman, Jorrit Faassen, who has worked at gas giant Gazprom. The couple lives in an attic in a privileged area in Moscow and they are parents of a child born in 2002. His sister Katia, who could go by the pseudonym Yekaterina Tíjonova, is an athlete and works as a researcher in an investment program at Moscow University. She was probably the one who applied as a guinea pig for the investigation of the Russian vaccine against Covid, the Sputnik V.

As strange as it seems, Putin has never confirmed who his daughters are or talked about them in public. A recalcitrant misogynist, nature punished him with a double female paternity. What will they think of phrases like: “I’m not a woman, so I don’t have bad days. There are certain natural cycles, which men possibly have too, but less overt.”.

Prime Minister from 1999 to the present and President of the Russian Federation since May 7, 2012, Putin monopolizes all the power in the country. He has been attributed relationships with various women, including two dancers, a boxer, an opera singer and a failed spy, but the only one listed as pseudo-official is Alina Kabáyeva, the gymnast who won two Olympic medals in Sydney 2000 and Athens 2004. Retired in 2005, Russia’s most flexible woman appeared nude on the cover of Maxim, took her first steps as a singer and actress and ended up as a deputy in the Russian parliament between 2007 and 2014. There she stood out for her defense of legislation that denies rights to the LGBTI community.

Dubbed Russia’s secret first lady, Kabayeva has been associated with Putin since 2008, when the president was still married. They maintain the rumors that that same year her first child was born in common and that the second was born in 2012. Everything is speculation. Nobody dares to publish anything since the newspaper Moscow Correspondent reveal that the president was separated and had a relationship with the former gymnast. Inexplicably, after the publication of the exclusive, the header disappeared. According to the official version, due to “financial problems”.

Portrait of Vladimir Putin, President of Russia, in the uniform of the KGB, the secret services of the Soviet Union.

an untold fortune

Alina Kabáyeva also completely disappeared in 2018. They suspect the kremlinologists that she did it to hide a twin pregnancy. In her last public appearance he read her thesis on gymnastic training to preschool girls. Kabáyeva earns eight million euros as president of a media group related to the Kremlin.

Regarding Putin’s fortune, the same unwritten law prevails, no one has dared to delve into his finances. In 2016, he declared an income of about 133,000 eurosa figure that does not agree with Karen Dawisha’s statements. in his book Putin’s Kleptocracy: Who Owns Russia?the author assures that her net worth exceeds 35,000 million euros.

Putin lives in the official residence of the State, 20 minutes from the Kremlin, in an ostentatious mansion with Russian aesthetics, the one that governs the more the better and if it is gold, outstanding.

The mansion boasts everything from huge stables housing the most beautiful thoroughbreds ever seen to an Orthodox church. Supporter of the adoption of religion in the Russian system, Putin denies being responsible for its reimplantation. “When the communist ideology ended, it left an ideological vacuum in society, and that vacuum can only be filled by religion.”

In his interview, Oliver Stone says goodbye to Putin with a prescient phrase. “He did not doubt for a moment her love and pride in serving Russia. It is clear that he is a true son of Russia and that he has done what was best for her, but I think we all know the price of power and what happens when you are in power for a long time“.


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