Juan Martín del Potro declines to participate in the Rio de Janeiro Open

El Argentine Juan Martin del Potro made known his decision not to be part of the Rio de Janeiro Open; amid the rumors that point to his definitive retirement from tennis professionally, due to a knee injury.

The organizers of the ATP 500 in Brazil reported on Friday that the 2009 US Open champion “unfortunately will not compete” in the carioca contest.

“It was always a dream to have him with us and we were very close to being able to fulfill it. We wish them much success in the future and we know that the doors of the Rio Open will always be open”, aadi.

Del Potro reappeared this week at the Argentine Open and lost 6-1, 6-3 to his compatriot Federico Delbonis.

Former number three in the world, champion of the 2009 US Open and the 2016 Davis Cup, and silver medalist at the Rio Olympics that same year, Del Potro hinted the previous Saturday at a press conference marked by emotions that the tournament in Buenos Aires and the one in Rio could mark his retirement.

“I have to make a point and apart, I’m going to improve my leg and then see how I continue”, said the Argentine after the defeat against Delbonis; but I did not exclude an eventual return to the circuit.

“I am going to leave the window open always,” he emphasized. “If today was the last time, I’m leaving happy.”


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