Corona virus in Germany and the world: “Great unity” – health ministers want a staged procedure for compulsory care vaccination – knowledge

According to their chairpersons, the health ministers of the federal states are largely in agreement that the corona vaccination obligation for nursing and health staff should be implemented in a balanced manner and in a phased process. Even if many questions are still open, the law should be implemented and implemented, said Petra Grimm-Benne (SPD) on Monday in Magdeburg. There is a great deal of agreement in the countries about a phased process from mid-March. However, no decision was made on the matter.

The affected employees should show proof of vaccination within 14 days, said Grimm-Benne. All those who still want to be vaccinated or who have just had a vaccination, for example, should be allowed to continue working. A distinction should also be made between workers who work directly on patients and those who do other jobs.

If employers or health authorities assume that the supply is at risk, it should be possible for an unvaccinated employee to continue to be employed for a transitional period, explained Grimm-Benne, who is Minister of Health in Saxony-Anhalt. Then conditions such as daily testing or working in full protection should apply, and it is also possible to switch to another job.

“But these are all individual decisions. We believe that an orderly hearing process is part of it.”, said Grimm-Benne. That takes time. The principle of proportionality applies. “But: We say that when all points have been clarified, then at some point you have to talk about a ban on entry if there are no other reasons.”

The vaccination requirement applies from March 15 for employees in nursing homes and clinics, but also, for example, in medical practices and outpatient services, for midwives, physiotherapists and masseurs. The health authorities should ultimately decide on any entry bans. There had recently been heated discussions about the implementation. (dpa)


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