“Al Dibu Martínez was eaten up a bit by the character”

He knew how to guard the three sticks of the Albiceleste and had harsh words against Dibu. Look!

Without a doubt, after Lionel Messi, one of the footballers of the Argentine National Team most loved by the fans is Emiliano “Dibu” Martínez. The goalkeeper of the national team provided solidity and security after his arrival at the Albiceleste goal, the remembered penalties against Colombia in the 2021 Copa América consecrated him, but apparently not everyone agrees with his attitudes towards rivals. Nacho Gonzalez, who knew how to guard the three Argentine clubs, was very critical of Dibu. “The character ate him up a bit”, released.

“He had responsibility. He is well off, but on the setback he should have taken two steps back and jumped. That way he grabs the ball at the highest point to get the slap”, González began by wielding the goal that Chile scored against the National Team in the last match for the Qualifiers.

Later, who knew how to defend the Racing goal, among others, aimed heavy ammunition against Dibu: “It is exceeding a little. The character is eating it little by little“, he slipped in the first instance, and then added: “Even the penalties (against Colombia) was good, until then I liked the chamuyo, but I’m talking about everything that came after. It’s a bit too much.”

Likewise, some time later, and while the debate was rising in tone, González took up the floor again and explained that if he were the goalkeeper coach of the national team, he would speak with the Aston Villa goalkeeper: “I would tell him to know how to handle these things, because this hits the lap and more in the arc. He is very exposed to error at any time.”

However, González was not alone. Diego Cagna supported his thinking and explained: “So far it was good, but that’s it. You don’t realize it and if you continue like this you’re going to look like an overachiever. If I were the coach of Argentina I would talk to him and tell him to lower his spirits a bit”.

Spicy Nacho González against Dibu Martínez


Spicy Nacho González against Dibu Martínez

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