Viola basketball, towards the postponement of the Salerno match

Over ten positives in the Campania team, which asked for a postponement to the FIP. An official decision is expected in the next few hours

The Viola Reggio Calabria basketball may not start in Salerno their own 2022. Bolignano’s team, in fact, has plans the trip to Campania as the first commitment of the calendar year, but the postponement of the challenge is becoming more and more concrete hour after hour.


The roster coached by coach Di Lorenzo has more than a dozen positives, which would make it difficult to assume the regular dispute of the match. Virtus herself, in fact, requested that the challenge be postponed, finding the favorable opinion of the Reggio club, on which, however, a decision has not yet been taken by the FIP. More certain news are expected in the next few hours.

If so, the solar year of the Viola would start on January 16, with the internal match with Taranto.


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