VIDEO Z At the Boxing Academy, Zutis and Kambala collapse due to unexpected changes – TV – – Entertainment

Kaspars Kambala surprised the members of his team by attracting coach Maxim from Russia, whose main task will be to hone the technical skills of the team’s athletes, but the arrival of the specialist was not the most unexpected turn of the show.

Kristaps Zutis informed the team that a new participant will be invited, basing his decision on the fact that working in pairs in the fourth will make it easier to organize an effective training process, as well as ensure healthy competition.

The new participant Nazarii or Nazar (23 years old) is a Ukrainian who has been living in Latvia for several years. The other participants did not hide their surprise about the turn, but Kristaps Zutis is convinced of his decision.

After Nazar joining the show, a question arises about the course of the final, as Zuša’s team is currently in the majority. Kaspars Kambala was dissatisfied with the new turn, so there was a sharp exchange of words between the mentors, which was dispelled, because the participants of the show had the opportunity to get to know the girls in the final fight ring.

There is only one episode left until the final, which will take place on January 15, and the format of the final will be clarified. Then the participants will have to prove themselves on the big stage in front of the television viewers. The finals of the final will be organized according to the best practice of grand boxing events. The fights will be led by former strongman Raivis Vidzis, while spectators will watch them accompanied by professional boxing commentators. The event will be complemented by performances by well-known musicians in Latvia.



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