The Fiorenzuola Bees close the first round on the JuVi Cremona field

Pallacanestro Fiorenzuola 1972 is preparing to experience the last match of the first round of Serie B Old Wild West Group B, facing the Ferraroni JuVi Cremona at home on Sunday 16 January at the PalaRadi in Cremona.

For the Fiorenzuola Bees at 6 pm the ball will be raised to two of a complex challenge, against the vice-queen team of the group that is showing an amazing form. After two consecutive defeats for the team of coach Gianluigi Galetti it will be a dive from the very high coefficient of difficulty at the home of the gold-amaranth coach Crotti, but the Bees are also keen to recover from the vicissitudes caused by Covid-19 that have scourged the team of President Alberti at the beginning of 2022. In the 70-81 he suffered in the midweek match against Basket Mestre 1958, the face of a never defeated Umberto Levelli (19 points for him with 2/4 three points) and that of the cheeky Pietro Avonto (8 points in 9 minutes of use) were the happiest notes for Pallacanestro Fiorenzuola 1972. With the growth of condition after a few more training sessions on the legs of the entire team group, the real hope is to give a hard time trying to close with a great shot a good yellow and blue first round, so far with 8 wins and 6 defeats.

The JuVi Cremona that will present itself in front of the Valdardesi travels on the wings of enthusiasm and awareness, after the great slap given to a Bergamo Basket 2014 which is certainly a thick team in group B of Serie B Old Wild West. The 89-47 trimmed by the Juvini at WithU last weekend was the son of a tremendous 40-13 in the first half of the game, with 6 men in double figures for the Cremonese gold-grenades. As mentioned, Ferraroni JuVi Cremona stands in 2nd place in the standings, with 12 victories and only 2 defeats in a championship so far truly exciting for the team coached by coach Crotti. The Cremonese arrive at the match with 8 consecutive victories in the championship, with Marco Bona leading the attack with 14.9 points per game and 38% from 3 points. He is combined with Preti and Nasello, both above the double-digit average in a JuVi Cremona that averages 73.4 points per game, confirming themselves as an extremely solid and compact team.

Coach Gianluigi Galetti framed the moment of form of Pallacanestro Fiorenzuola 1972 in this way: “The management of the match against JuVi Cremona, after an unexpected midweek round against Mestre, will certainly be particular. We are going to play in a very difficult field, against a team that at the moment has in my opinion the most complex defensive system to deal with. In this approach to the match we are thinking more about the management of the team than the tactical preparation of the match, in order to reach a better condition than the one we have shown, also due to Covid-19, against Mestre “.


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