From almost giving up football to being called up to the Colombian National Team: the story of Andrés Colorado | Colombia selection

“Think big, dream big, believe big and you will have great results”, this is the story of Andrés Colorado, who is living an unforgettable present, to frame and who surely will not want it to end. And it is that, in less than a month, he was crowned champion of the League, with Deportivo Cali, and received his first call-up to the Colombian National Team.

The process has not been easy, but the goals have always been clear. That is why, despite the fact that at some point he thought of throwing in the towel, his conviction was stronger. He made his professional debut in Cortuluá, where he did not last long, since his seriousness, being applied and versatile, immediately aroused the interest of the ‘sugar’ team, who played it for the midfielder.

Initially, the loan was for only one year. However, his conditions made everyone fall in love, he quickly earned his place on the court and the renewal was not long in coming. What began in 2019, has already completed three seasons, a title, 102 games played, eight goals, the same number of assists, 24 yellow cards and only three expulsions.

It was that regularity and exponential growth, which led coach Reinaldo Rueda to have no choice but to call him the ‘tricolor’. Achievement unlocked and fulfilled in the life of Andrés Colorado, beyond the fact that it is for a preparatory match against Honduras, in the United States, next Sunday, January 16, at 5:30 in the afternoon.

And it won’t stop there. The project is clear, it knows what it wants, where it comes from and where it is going. Born in Guacarí, he wants to take another step, dreaming of being in the South American Qualifiers and why not in the 2022 World Cup in Qatar; and even make the leap abroad, where his game would fit into more than one team from the different leagues in other latitudes.

This was told by Alex Torres, a lifelong friend of the young midfielder, godfather of his newborn baby and with whom they met, precisely, on a field. In an interview with Gol Caracol, he told us much of the soccer player’s history, his idols, goals, personality, ups and downs along the way, intimacies of his time with the Colombian National Team and much more.

How did you meet Andres?
“In the first soccer school where he was, it was the Guacarí Soccer Club. There, we began to share, since we were six or seven years old.”

When the call came out, what did you think or what came to your mind?
“I was very happy, as was the family and everyone around him. It is an important step to join the Colombian National Team and start that path. It was one more achievement in these few months, after being champion with Deportivo Cali and other things in the life that have led him to be where he is and sustain himself.”

What was Andrés’s reaction when he found out that he had been summoned? What did he tell you?
“It was very satisfying for all the work done in these months. An immense joy because it was something he has been fighting for and hoped to achieve. Thank God this call came and we hope he does it well, with the hope that he will be summoned to Playoffs.”

They have spoken these days, already with Andrés in the National Team, what has he told you?
“Yes, almost every day; he is too happy, with the new teammates and also with the referents like Miguel Ángel Borja and Juan Fernando Quintero, players that we used to see on television and with whom, now, he shares. Seeing that is so gratifying He tells us how they are as people and the atmosphere in the National Team, which, according to him, is optimal and drives them to want to continue and improve their level, with the hope of continuing in other calls.”

In the midst of those talks between you, what did Andrés tell you about reaching the Colombian National Team?
“Many times we talked about what a call to the National Team would be like, when it could arrive and, in fact, whenever a call came out, I expected to see him there. Thank God it happened at this time, after being champion and he raised his level in relation to the previous season. Between talks we said that we hope to be with those great world leaders such as ‘Juanfer Quintero, Falcao García, James Rodríguez and others. Now, he is close to fulfilling one more dream in his career and it is gratifying and exciting for him and the people around him.”

What other dreams has he told you about?
“At a football level, arriving in England, which is one of the leagues that attracts his attention the most because of the intensity with which the matches are experienced, nobody gives anything away, there are no small teams, everyone runs and anything can happen. He has always really liked Manchester United and other clubs there.”

What has been the best advice you have given Andrés?
“One of the pieces of advice that I consider to be one of the striking ones was that he had perseverance, perseverance in training, gave a little more at times when he was not a starter at Deportivo Cali or suddenly it was the first change; it was something repetitive that happened and was a little crestfallen, at that moment I went in to support him and tell him not to give up and work twice as hard so that he would be prepared and when the opportunity came, he would show all his talent. He is a person who listens a lot and knew how to cope with those situations.”

Champion with Cali, figure of the National Team, now, what’s next?
“Getting a foothold in the club where he decides to continue his career to continue demonstrating his level and to be called up to the Colombian National Team, especially for the Qualifying rounds, which would be another step.”

Personally, in which club in the world would you like to see Andrés?
“I would like to see him playing at River Plate, in Argentina, because of how football is lived there, what that club represents worldwide. Now, in Europe, I would like to see him at Inter Milan, since several Colombian players have passed there who left a huge footprint and he could be one of them.”

What is that anecdote that you remember the most that Andrés told you or that you lived with him?
“It happened when we were playing the National Under-20 Tournament. That time they were rotating him through different positions and they were going to put him in the central position; at that moment, he said that he was going to retire from football, that he was not going to play anymore because he was bored that they put him in a position he didn’t want. We were three friends, and between Sebastián and I we told him no, to continue because that was going to help his career and that’s how it was because later he accepted and then at Cortuluá and Deportivo Cali was seen that this polyfunctionality helped him to be in different positions.”

You who have accompanied him in this process, how difficult was it to get to this point for him?
“It is difficult to reach the level that Andrés is at. It took three years at Deportivo Cali to reach a call-up for the Seleccón and get a professional title. During that process many things happened; for example, weeks and even months went by without seeing the family because he was focused, so it’s not easy because sometimes family company is required to keep up the spirit at times. However, he has managed to cope with that, understanding that there are times for everything. He is 100% focused on the football.”

Has he perhaps told you about some difficult or complex experience that he has had to go through in his career?
“At some point with a technical director of Deportivo Cali, the relationship in football was not the best, Andrés played little, when he was a starter, it was the first change, and he was bored, but then, with a cold head, he continued, he was a figure , champion and showed that with work and perseverance things can be achieved. He also said that getting far away from his family is hard. Beyond the fact that Guacarí is close to Cali, it is difficult for the family to always be there. So when there is a space, We meet to talk, go out to eat, something that allows him to get away from football a little.”

Who is the maximum referent or idol of Andrés?
“One of Andrés’ greatest references is Wayne Rooney, he has always admired him and dreams of meeting him. He liked the game he played for Manchester United, Everton and the England National Team.”

How is he, in his personality?
“He is a friendly person, with principles and many values ​​that his parents instilled in him. He is always willing to help those who need it; he collaborates in everything, he is responsible, respectful and one learns from him. Most of his environment is similar to his way of being.”

What do you think should be corrected or improved to make a bigger leap in quality?
“He would have to improve his athletic physical condition more, without saying that it is bad, but if he strengthens it, he would have a better performance on the field of play and it would help him a lot.”

If you had to say the greatest virtue or quality of him, what would it be?
“The greatest virtue is the responsibility he has with his soccer load and his daughter; now, in soccer, his quality to highlight is arriving in the area as a surprise, taking into account his position as a mixed returnee.”


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