Bayer Leverkusen: Florian Wirtz reveals – that’s why a change is not an issue – Bundesliga

Rumors that Bayern and Real Madrid want him? Not interesting for Florian Wirtz (18)! The super talent assures in a press round that he only has Bayer Leverkusen in mind. In addition, the five-time German national player spoke about his rapid development, dealing with pressure and his big career goals.

Florian Wirtz about…

…his rapid leap to becoming a Bayer star: “I never really thought about how fast it should go. My only goal was to become a regular player here. It’s nice that it happened so quickly. But I didn’t put any pressure on myself, gave it my all in training and made good use of my playing time. And then it might have gone quicker than expected.”

…his move from the Cologne youth team to Bayer: “I really enjoyed my time in the FC youth team. I made many friends there. The move didn’t go unnoticed by me, but I’ve thought about my footballing future and haven’t regretted any of my decisions so far. Leverkusen made a good effort for me. You can’t say that someone has tried too little. I simply saw my prospects better at Leverkusen than in Cologne.”

“I don’t put any pressure on myself”

…the pressure despite his young age: “I don’t feel that the team’s performance depends on me and I don’t put pressure on myself to play well because I have good teammates who, like me, always give their best.”

…his ripped off demeanor: “I don’t know why it seems like I’m free from nervousness (laughs). I get told that a lot, but I’m also nervous before the game. This is completely normal. As soon as the referee whistles and the first passes are played, that’s gone again. I just focus on playing the way I do best. The fact that it then looks light, relaxed or liberated is due to my playing style.”

…Compare with Kai Havertz (22): “I am happy for Kai that he has taken the next step. Of course I looked up to him when I was still playing with him. But I don’t always orient myself to Kai and don’t let the comparisons get to me. I try to go my own way.”

…his close friendship with fellow players like Diaby and Frimpong: “I’m very happy that we have such a young team. I get along well with everyone. I meet up with the younger ones from time to time – almost every day with Jeremie. We do a lot together, share many interests. The fact that we are friends in the team gives us extra energy to be there for each other on the pitch.”

Photo: Marius Becker/dpa

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The friendship with fellow players like Frimpong (2nd from right) is a feel-good factor at Bayer for WirtzPhoto: Marius Becker/dpa

…Bayer as the perfect club for his next career step: “There are a few things that make it appealing to play here. I can be satisfied that I started my career in Leverkusen and that I succeeded so quickly. I just feel good here, have friends in the team and a good squad with which I want to achieve goals.”

…Bayer’s goal in the Europa League: “Our first goal is to reach the next round. We’ll do everything we can to get into the final, that’s what everyone in the team wants.”

“Would like to be world champion”

…his biggest career goals: “I would like to win the Champions League one day. It would also be nice to become world champion. Those are the two biggest goals you can have as a footballer and they are also my biggest goals.”

…rumours, according to which Real Madrid, among others, have him on the list: “I didn’t realize that. At the moment I’m not interested in that either. I play here, I have a contract until 2026. Of course, I get what’s being said about me via Instagram or friends. As long as no one talks to me, it has no relevance for me. I block that out.”

…his World Cup hopes: “I try to always be there. The more often you are there, the more often you can prove yourself. I will also step on the gas in Leverkusen so that the national coach will take notice of me. Of course I want to be at the World Cup, but I know that I have to perform to do so.”


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