Young people from Boucherville and Sainte-Julie will go to the Canadian bouldering championships

By François Laramée. From the Local Journalism Initiative

There are competitions in several sports, including hockey, baseball, soccer, but another discipline exists, it is bouldering competitions. And some young people from the region perform on the provincial scene.
On December 11, the first competition of this discipline, 2021-2022 season, the Quebec Junior Climbing Championship took place in Victoriaville. The latter allowed young athletes from across Quebec to qualify to participate in the Canadian championships next spring.
During the competition in Victoriaville, two junior athletes from Boucherville and Sainte-Julie performed very well, which gave them a pass for national competitions.
They are Mathis Imbault from the Hook Center escalade club in Sainte-Julie, who finished in 2nd place in his group, and Hugo Valence from Boucherville, who found himself at the foot of the podium with a 4th square.
Thanks to their good performances, the two youngsters have now qualified for the Canadian regional championships to be held in April 2022 in Ottawa.


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