What fight are Edwin Cardona and Sebastián Villa talking about !?

During the match between Boca and Newells there was talk of a fight for which Edwin cardona left the headline. What did the DT reply?

For more than one it was strange that Edwin Cardona, Sebastián Villa and Carlos Zambrano were not starters. They were going to be the Sunday before! It was the same game. That day it was not possible to play due to rain. Now yes and none of them were part of the initial team. What happened? The rumor started fast: the 3 would have fought.

Sebastián Battaglia’s response to the rumor about Edwin Cardona and Sebastián Villa

The Boca Juniors coach spoke on the wheel and quickly responded to the topic: “I totally deny that there was a fight between members of the squad. Edwin Cardona, Sebastián Villa and Carlos Zambrano had intoxication, that’s why we made the three changes, “he said.

And he added: “The reality is that Cardona and Villa made a great effort to be able to be… Zambrano felt very bad. We need the two Colombians well. Today they were very bad, luckily they were able to enter in the second half, “he said.

Sebastián Villa was the first to enter. He entered at 58 minutes instead of Exequiel Zeballos; Edwin Cardona did it at 65 instead of Eduardo Salvio. Neither of them could change the 0-0 scoreboard. That is how it all ended. Boca Juniors is now getting ready to play the final of the Argentine Cup. In the league he is sixth.



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