Volleyball players from Jēkabpils “Lūši” and DU / ”Ezerzeme” win Latvian team matches

The teams of Jēkabpils “Lūši” and “Daugavpils Universitāte” / ”Ezerzeme” (DU / “Ezerzeme”) won the inter-team games of Latvian teams in the “Credit24” volleyball championship on Saturday. “Lynx” at home beat the team of “Biolars” / “Jelgava MSG” with the result 3-1 (32:30, 25:17, 22:25, 25:12).

Jānis Medenis was the most productive with 19 points for Jēkabpils residents, but Vladislavs Blumbergs and Ēriks Voroņko scored 12 points each. Zigurds Adamovičs scored four points in the block. Sandis Vilcāns scored 19 points for the guests.

Meanwhile, DU / “Ezerzeme” defeated the “RTU Border Guard” / “Jurmala” team with the result 3-1 (25:20, 25:22, 23:25, 25:22) in its field. For Daugavpils, Nazars Getmans was the most productive with 18 points, Deniss Pavlovs and Andrijs Širjakovs gained 15 points each, twice, but Danila Kuzmins voted with 13 points. Opponents scored 21 points for their opponents, who scored three points in the block.

Tallinn’s TalTech is a convincing leader in the tournament table with 24 points in eight games. The fifth of the Latvian teams with seven points in six games is Jēkabpils “Lūšu” unit, DU / “Ezerzeme” volleyball players give sixth place in six games, “RTU Robežsardze” / “Jūrmala” with eight points in eight fights is eighth, and “Biolars” / ”Jelgava MSĢ” has remained in six duels and occupies the last position.

This season, nine teams are participating in the Credit24 Championship – four from Estonia (Tartu “Bigbank”, “Parnu”, Tallinn “Selver” and “TalTech”) and Latvia (“Daugavpils University” / “Ezerzeme”, “RTU Border Guard”). “Jūrmala”, Jēkabpils “Lūši” and “Biolars” / “Jelgava MSĢ”) and one Lithuanian unit – Klaipėda “Amber Volley”.

Last year’s tournament was celebrated by Tallinn’s “Selver”, which beat Saaremaa in the final, and Jēkabpils “Lūši” won the third place.


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