The futsal shoes that give you 100% performance

Everything influences your performance as a player. That is why here we teach you to discover what are the characteristics that they should have your futsal shoes to perform at your best in your favorite sport. From the step by step of how to choose the most suitable boots for children or adults in online or physical stores to how to discover the correct size.

Writing of texts and contents of Lucas F.
Futsal coach in children’s categories
Last revision in

Before buying your new pair of shoes, we recommend that you take into account the advice that we provide here. Every detail of the design adds much more than just a pretty look or a better color combination. The height of the midsole, the size, the inflection point, the material with which they are made and the design are factors that directly influence your performance on the court. In addition, a poor choice of footwear can even cause long-term health problems, such as back pain, bone deformation among others. Learn about the technical differences between modern and traditional design to find the most suitable for you.

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The size of the shoe is essential for the performance of the player, so we recommend you see this video that shows you how to choose the correct size. With these tips you will be ready to buy the ideal shoe for an adult or for a child in online or physical stores according to the length of the foot and its inflection point.

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As you can see, the designs range from the most classic to the most modern. You can see at a glance that their appearance is different, but the most important thing is their technical qualities. Watch the following video where a technical comparison between classic and modern boots ideal to perform professionally in this sport. Every detail counts when playing futsal.

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These are the best Kelme futsal shoes and the ones that are selling the most right now.

Puma futsal boots

These are the best Puma futsal boots and the ones that are selling the most right now.

New Balance futsal shoes

These are the best New Balance futsal shoes and the ones that are selling the most right now.

Umbro futsal boots

These are the best Umbro futsal boots and the ones that are selling the most right now.

How to choose your futsal shoes

Each shoe model has different characteristics to meet the demands of this sport that is constantly evolving. But, the most important thing is to choose the more comfortable model for you and that allows you boost your performance as a player.

1. Choose the ideal design to enhance your favorite game

If you are looking for a pair of sneakers to help you acquire speed, try to choose those that have a low or medium midsole. Instead, if yours is hit the ball, the classic design It has a great set up that will allow you to increase your hitting power without feeling it on your foot.

Skill on the court depends on your talent, but with good shoes you will be able to dance and dodge your opponents better. The evolution in design has meant that some of them can offer great game versatility, because they adapt perfectly to your foot as if it were a pair of socks or socks.

2. Choose a midsole that gives you comfort and allows you to perform better and protect your health.

In each game we must give everything of ourselves and with the right pair of footwear we can give more, simply because we feel comfortable. For this reason we must choose a design that has the cut suitable for the shape of our feet and weight. In this sense, the material with which they are made will provide greater flexibility and will help us to feel lighter or heavier. The materials that we will find are leather, synthetic or thread.

The midsole also helps give height Y take care of the sole of our feet. If it is appropriate, we will be able to avoid feeling fatigue or having joint problems, circulation problems or some bone deformations in the future.

Although it may not seem like it, using a footwear with an inappropriate midsole It can generate back or knee pain. Among the options that you will find in the market is low, medium or high, each with its advantages.

Low midsole

When a shoe has a low midsole, it allows you to control the ball and the court with your foot. In addition, it is usually much lighter. This advantage is at the same time a disadvantage because it does not offer any protection of the track. This type of midsole is ideal for healthy feet.

Intermediate midsole

As its name implies, it gives us a bit of cushioning without adding a lot of weight. It is ideal for players who use orthotic insoles.

High midsole

The characteristics of this midsole allow to give security to the heaviest players. They generally accompany a classic design with a more robust cut.

3. Select the perfect size for your foot with its right inflection point

As explained in the video, to get the right shoe, we must choose the design that best suits the shape of our foot and type of game. But if you don’t have the right size and turning point, we will not be able to enhance our talent as a futsal player.

Where to buy your futsal shoes

There is nothing better than going to a store in person to choose the most suitable ones, because you can try them on and feel how they really fit you. Also, if it is a local store, much better because we will be supporting a small merchant. But, if you prefer to buy online, we recommend doing it via amazon.

The existing competitiveness between sellers of the same product on Amazon makes the price of futsal shoes is low and his very high quality. The delivery times they are very short, comparing it with other online stores. Nor do we want to put aside your good return policy and the product availability, indicating that there is permanent stock of the model you choose.

All these advantages are enhanced when you have an Amazon Prime account, because with this service you have free shipping with deliveries in very short terms. In addition to having access to other platforms such as video games, music, ebooks and a photo database. If you haven’t signed up yet, you can try Amazon Prime for free for a month.

To complete

The design, size and material with which it is constructed are the factors that determine whether or not the pair of futsal shoes is the ideal one for you. The traditional models give power and protect your foot, while the modern ones adapt to your foot, allowing greater control of the ball.

Finally, remember that wearing the wrong boots can harm the health of your feet in the long run. If your performance on the court is what interests you most, the ideal futsal boots will bring out the best in you in every match.

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