Standard-Charleroi: Standard asks to target sanctions, and refuses closed session

The prosecution, through the voice of Barbara Huylebroeck, requested four games behind closed doors, without opposing a suspension of one or two game (s). The prosecutor, who tasted little of having received the conclusions of Me Ernes, the Standard’s lawyer, two hours before the hearing, returned to the incidents already observed at Standard this season. “It is a very severe indictment, but we can not say that Standard was not aware. The club took sanctions vis-à-vis its supporters (closure of the stands reserved for Ultras and PHK, ban on ticket sales) is good, but we need strong penalties. “

For Standard, Me Gregory Ernes first expressed some reservations about the disciplinary committee, which belongs to the federation, becoming in a certain way judge and party. It is based on articles 11.1 and 11.2 which say that the club must respect its obligations – which the Standard considers to have done, to the maximum of what it can – but that if the measures are not sufficient, the federation must participate itself in the activation of these obligations. “Clearly, the federation must replace the club,” commented Me Ernes.

The lawyer, without disempowering the club for as much, recalls that in a previous judgment, it was mentioned of this, already on the subject of incidents in the stands: “The answer must be brought in a concerted way by the actors (club and federation), so that one person in charge, alone, does not solve their problems. “

In short: “The sanction as proposed (the games behind closed doors) does not work,” said Me Ernes. “The Standard has already been sentenced to games behind closed doors, but the problems remain. The closed door proves a handful of troublemakers right (the Ultras and the PHK represent 1000 people), and you risk, with such a sanction. , to radicalize other supporters. We must support each other and adopt reasonable solutions. “

This involves identifying the supporters in question, “in order to better target those responsible”. Anne Cools, the Standard’s human resources director, took the floor to ask for leniency. “If you sanction the club for a game behind closed doors, you will sanction, in addition to supporters, club employees, who will not be able to work and will have to be made unemployed.”

The Standard, at first, had indicated that it would accept the decisions of the disciplinary committee. It seems that the situation has changed …

The case is placed under advisement, the decision will be taken within a week.


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