Salernitana announces a complaint, postponed the decision on 3-0 at the table

The sports judge did not comment on the match not played against Udinese. Meanwhile, the number of positives among the Campania region rises

No decision was made by the Serie A sports judge on Udinese-Salernitana, match of the 19th day of the championship, not played due to the non-presentation of the Campania team, blocked by the ASL due to infections Covid. The Salernitana has in fact announced a complaint about the possible 0-3 at the table, thus blocking the process, as usual.

See also

Salernitana case: if excluded from A, his first leg matches have been canceled

Meanwhile, the number of positive Covid cases that emerged in the Salernitana team group has risen to four. The grenade company announced that “following further checks carried out today, another member of the team group, already in quarantine, tested positive for Covid-19”. On Monday, three infections emerged in the team group that had led the ASL of Salerno to prohibit the departure for Udine where the grenades should have taken the field on Tuesday at 18.30.

Salernitana case aside, Serie A sports judge Gerardo Mastrandrea disqualified eight players, all for one round. These are Tanner Tessmann and Mattia Caldara (Venice), Kristoffer Askildsen (Sampdoria), Hakan Calhanoglu (Inter), Dalbert (Cagliari), Remo Freuler (Atalanta), Mario Rui (Naples), Stefano Sturaro (Genoa).

As for the fines, a fine of 3000 euros per Lazio “to have his supporters, during the first half, he threw two firecrackers in the playground”.



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